View in a monospaced font for correct alignment (i.e. courier) TABLE ONE: TWO PLAYER POINT EXCHANGE Subtract ratings if higher rated if lower rated in case of of the two players player wins player wins a draw Difference in high player gains low player gains high player loses rating points low layer loses high player loses low player gains 000-050 070 070 000 051-100 065 075 005 101-150 060 080 010 151-200 055 085 015 201-250 050 090 020 251-300 045 095 025 301-350 040 100 030 351-400 035 105 035 401-450 030 110 040 451-500 025 115 045 501-550 020 120 050 551-600 015 125 055 601-650 010 130 060 651-700 005 135 065 700+ 000 140 070
Important Any verified player (10 rated games) loses/gains half these pouts (fractions rounded up) regardless of whether he played a Verified or Provisional opponent. Only the first 10 ASL games are considered "Provisional; all other ASL games and are considered "Verified".
EXAMPLE: Assume a 900 rated Provisional player wins gains a 1200 Provisional player. The winner gains 95 point to 995 while the loser drops 95 point to 1105. Had the higher player won his rating would be 1245; the loserıs 855. Letıs further assume that the 1200 player was Verified. If he won heıd have joined half of 45 (23) to 1223 but the loser who was Provision would still drop 45 to 855.
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