updated 031202
Provided below is a complete errata for FIRE IN THE EAST/SCORCHED EARTH/THE URALS.
The errata includes all material not provided in the rulebook, orders of battle
and charts contained in THE URALS and SCORCHED EARTH.
- Map 6A: The symbol in hex 2904 represents an island. It consists of clear
- Map 7A: Road hexes should be drawn from the western to the northern map
edges as follows: 0617, 0616, 0615, 0614, 0613, 0612, 0611, 0610, 0510, 0509,
0408, 0308, 0307, 0206, 0106 and 0005. This road should pass through the city
of Kotlas (0611). Ignore the military district line beginning on the 0409/0510
hexside and traveling to the 0112/0113 hexside. Change the spelling of “Kuybuyshev”
(7A:4701) to “Kuybyshev”.
- Map 2A: Road hexes should be drawn from the eastern map edge to the Arkhangelsk-Vologda
rail line as follows: 0600, 0601, 0702, 0703, 0704, 0705, 0706, 0707 and 0708.
- Note: When adding roads to existing maps, use a medium point black felt
tip marker. Alternatively, a product called “Formaline” is available
from most graphic art stores. This product is manufactured by the Graphic
Products Corporation of Rolling Meadows, IL. The product number is 4101 B.
This material is a plastic film with an adhesive backing that appears to exactly
duplicate the roads on the existing, maps. It may be bent into curves by careful
pre-heating with a hair dryer.
- Map 29: “Central Asia MD” should read “Central Asian
- Map 30: “Central Asia MD” should read “Central Asian
- Change the unit size symbol on the German 461st Ersatz counter from battalion
(II) to division (XX).
- Change the unit type symbol of the German 2-1-10 Assault Gun II H, J to
a 2-1-10 Pz II H, J.
- Change the cadre of the German 17-10 Pz XX 4 from 7-8 to 8-8.
- Change the cadre of the German 15-10 Pz XX 2 from 8-8 to 7-8.
Orders of Battle:
Axis OB:
- Initial Forces, Rumanian Reserves: Change 3xl-2-6 MG X 1, 5, Res to 2x1-2-6
MG X 1, Res.
- Jan I 43: (Addition to the note): German reserve, ersatz, and training
units may be disbanded. German divisions (any unit types) may be disbanded.
- Mar I 43: (Addition): German Replacement Pool: Remove: 1 x2-6* Inf 111369
- May I 43: The upgrading of the 2nd and 4th Panzer Divisions are scrambled
and should be as follows:
- 1 x11-10 Pz XX 2 upgrades to 1x15-10 Pz XX 2, at a cost of 3 arm RPs
- 1x10-10 Pz XX 4 upgrades to lxl7-l0 Pz XX 4, at a cost of 6 arm RPs.
- Aug I 43: (Addition): Germane Withdraw: 2x2-10 mot hv AA III 18, 42 (LW)
- Sep I 44: lx2-1-4 Art II 774 should be lx2-1-8 Art III 18 42, corresponding
to the counter.
- Dec I 44: 2xl-2-6 Emrgncy XX605, 608 should be 2xl?2?6 Emrgncy Cadre 605,
- 1942 Scenario: Finnish Front: Delete 1x2-8 Mtn Pol III 18 (SS Pol).
- 1942 Scenario: Rumania: Rumanian Reserves: (Deletion): Change 2xl-2-6 MG
X 5, Res to 1x1-2-6 MG X Res.
- 1942 Scenario: Regauged Rail Lines:
- a) The line starting with “Riga” is incorrect. It should
read: “Riga (1B:1816) to 1B:2212 to 1B:2407. 1B:2608 to Vitebsk
(1B:3203) to Vyazma (2A:3425).”
- b) In the line starting with “lB:3512,” 1B:47-4”
should read 1 B:4704.”
- c) In the line starting with “3B:0710,” all references to
map 2A should be to map 4A.
- d) “l 13:2006 to 113:1132” should read “lB:2006 to
- 1942 Scenario: (Addition): Conditional Reinforcements, The German player
has already received the Kaunas, Riga, Simferopol and Tallinn conditional
- German: RAD stands for Reichsarbeitsdienst. SS: H stands for Hohenstaufen,
not Hohenzollern.
Unit Identification Chart:
- A. Heavy antiaircraft units have heavy equipment.
- B. The Replacement Army indicator for Replacement Army units is not shown.
It is a square in the upper right hand comer of the counter. (See a German
reserve, training, or ersatz division for an example.)
- C. The NKVD political troops symbol is shown with a motorized symbol, This
is incorrect; the basic symbol should be the NKVD symbol without the motorized
symbol. An NKVD political troop symbol with the motorized symbol is combat/motorized,
it is AEC/ATEC neutral, and has heavy equipment.
Terrain Effects Chart:
- Note 5, Addition: Rivers and lakes in Zone G are frozen during cold weather.
Optional rule 39E.3 lists salt lakes that do not freeze. Salt marshes, unlike
swamps, do not freeze in cold weather.
Scorched Earth Rules:
- 7D: Railroad Construction. The Soviet player may build railroads starling
with the Jul I 41 turn.
- 28C.2 Amphibious Landings. The reference to “enemy-controlled”
should be “enemy-owned.”
- 32A.2: Rumania, Change “10 more REs” to “10 or more REs”.
- 32B.1: Finnish War Aims. When determining if the German RE limit in the
Finnish theater is raised due to the presence of unisolated Soviet units within
7 hexes of Helsinki, only Soviet units in Finland are considered.
- 34D.3: Reorganization. Note: The phrase “replacement pool substitution”
in this rule does refer to the substitution procedure given in Rule 34E1.
- 34F.8: Special Replacement Pool Activities. When the orders of battle require
a unit to be removed from or substituted in the replacement pool and no appropriate
unit is in the pool, the activity is delayed until an appropriate unit enters
the pool. For example if the German 3-2-8 Pz III is not in the replacement
pool on Jan I 43, the turn, the OB lists for its removal, then its removal
is delayed until it enters the pool. If it never enters the pool, it is never
removed or withdrawn, and there is no penalty for this to the German player.
- 37B: Victory Determination. When calculating victory, ignore Danzig (1
- 37C : Levels of Victory. Change the victory point total for a Soviet marginal
victory from 8-14 to 9-14.
- 39D.8: Kriegsmarine Commando. When the Kriegsmarine commando makes an amphibious
landing, the rule requires it to use a Kriegsmarine transport for naval transport.
However, this causes problems, as Rule 28C requires the transport to end its
movement in the hex where the commando landed, while Rule 2813.1 requires
it to return to port. The solution to this is that the commando has its own
intrinsic naval transport ability when in the Baltic Sea and does not use
a Kriegsmarine transport. The unit may use its transport ability during each
German movement phase, including the movement phase in the German surprise
turn of the Jun 1141 turn.
- 41B.2a: 1942 Scenario Deployment, last paragraph: Change: In the second
sentence, change “inactive” to “inoperative”. Add:
When activating air units, the Soviet player may choose any six to be Guards.
He chooses these units after activating his air units but before selecting
his inoperative air units.
Designer's Notes:
- In note 6) in the section on the Soviet order of battle, change the reference
to the 47th Mountain Division to the 79th Mountain Division. Also, add the
66th Rifle Division and the 59th Tank Division to the list of Soviet Far Eastern
forces, which did not go west.
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