updated 031104
Pulled from Web Grognards
Here are some questions I sent to Mark Herman, and his answers:
- Cards: Can cards which let the CSA place SPs in Tennessee put these SPs
in pro-Union spaces? Cards that allow SPs to be placed in TN cannot
be placed in Union sympathizing areas.
- Cards: When placing SPs through card play, must the space(s) the SPs go
into be able to trace an LOC? On the SP question it depends, some
cards specifically say so and others don't. For example Glory Hallelujah does
not require an LOC.
- 4.3 Fort Creation: If you're at your fort limit, can you build a new fort
somewhere by removing one currently on the board, or are you "stuck"
once you've built all your forts (just have to wait for one to be destroyed)?
With forts you are stuck, once built it stays unless eliminated by the enemy
in which case you can redeploy the fort.
- 4.5 Relieving Generals: Can you remove ANY general by paying the S.W. penalty,
or can you only remove army commanders? Only Army commanders are relieved,
what other situation is there. In Corps situations you just need a redeploy
to move the bad ones out.
- 5.16 Picking Up and Dropping Off SPs: Can a general who is not the commanding
general or highest political value non-commanding general in an army leave
the army and perform a corps move (taking SPs out of the army)? You
definitely can deploy lower ranked Generals out of an army with some of its
- 5.16 Picking Up and Dropping Off SPs: Can 1-3 SPs leave an army, making
a division move? Yes Division moves like Corps moves can originate
from an Army.
- 5.52 Cavalry Raid Limitation: Can a cav brigade place (not flip) a PC in
a neutral space? A Cavalry Bde may never place only flip or remove
PC markers.
- 5.6 Generals Moving Alone: Generals from any and all spaces on the board
can move on the play of one card, or just all generals in one space?
All Generals on the board, the rules are pretty clear here.
- 5.72: Overruns: Overruns can occur against forts as long as the odds are
10:1? Yes overruns can occur against forts.
- 5.8 Interception: Can naval movement be intercepted in the port it lands
in, thus causing a battle? If yes, what happens when the CSA makes a naval
move and it's intercepted, since the CSA can't make amphibious assaults?
The intercept occurs, this would be an exception to the ability of a Confederate
unit causing an amphibious invasion.
- 7.5 Battle Resolution Die Roll Modifiers: It is clear that the use of elite
units is voluntary. However, can you voluntarily hold back on using other
DRMS? You may not withhold DRMs except for elite units.
- 8.1 Lines of Communication: Can CSA trace LOCs across river lines where
the Union does not have naval control? Across river lines where the Union
does have naval control? LOCs can be traced across rivers where the
Union doesn't have naval control, but CANNOT trace LOCs if the Union does
have Naval control.
- 10.2 Strategic Movement of Reinforcements: Are new leaders placed before
or after strategic RR movement? New leaders are placed after Strategic
- 10.2 Strategic Movement of Reinforcements: Can leaders be moved by strategic
RR? If yes, does this move cost anything? No leaders may not be moved
using Strategic movement.
- 10.51 Blockade Zones: Rules say CSA "may" attempt to make a blockade
runner die roll. Isn't this roll mandatory for all 4 blockade zones each turn?
If the Confederate doesn't make the roll he loses the SW, so leave it may,
if he is dumb enough not to roll he doesn't avoid the penalty.
- 10.61 Procedure: This rule, as taken literally, says that a general can
be placed in ANY friendly controlled space, but to be placed in an army, the
army must have an LOC. Is the intent here that any space where a general is
placed must have an LOC, but an army with an LOC could receive a general even
if it is on an enemy controlled space? Yes.
- 10.64 Unrevealed Generals: There are several instances when the Union player
needs to know the Political Value of an unrevealed general (who's in charge
of a new army when there are revealed and unrevealed generals present, when
promoting a new general to command if he's unrevealed you don't know if he's
being promoted "over" another general, etc.). How would you handle
this? The answer is you need to look in case of P ratings in some
instances, but this will be abused, however, yes.
I hope these answers help. Mark
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