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Questions and Answers
Series Replay
(V, P)
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(V + B)
(Variant and board
(V + C)
Variant and counters
Article was also published in booklet compilation of past articles focused on a specific game title

THE GENERAL (The Avalon Hill Game Company)

  1. 7-6; Freeman, Bill; Russian Emphasis on Close Assault Tactics; (P) p10.
  2. 7-6; CONTEST #42 (Vol 7, #6) 13.
  3. 8-1; Oleson, Tom; PanzerBIitz Situation 13; (V, P) p5.
  4. 8-1; Reed, Randy; The Organized Wargamer; (P) p12. \
  5. 8-2; Mehaffey, Dennis; PanzerBlitz MSM; (V, P) p4-5.
  6. 8-2**; Oleson, Tom; More PanzerBlitz Variants; (V, P) p5,12.
  7. 8-3; Stanton, Shelby; Airborne PanzerBlitz; (V, P) 8.
  8. 8-4**; Lakofka, Lenard; PanzerBlitz Championship Situations; (V, P) p3-4.
  9. 8-5**; Bradie, Peter; Panzerblitz Concealment; (V, P) p3.
  10. 8-6; Geary, Riley; Kriegspiel PanzerBlitz; (V, P) p8-10,
  11. 8-6; Buynoski, Mathew; Pincers …. Another PanzerBlitz Situation; (V, P) p5.
  12. 9-1; Hopp; George; PanzerBlitz Revisited; (V, P) p8-9.
  13. 9-1; Straus, Ian; PanzerBlitz Double Attack; (V, P) p11-12.
  14. 9-2; Easton, Roy; Situation 101; (V, P) p8-9.
  15. 9-3; Easton, Roy; Situation 207; (V, P) p4-6.
  16. 9-5**; Lavis, Olson, Snellen; Incremental PanzerBlitz; (V, P) p6-7.
  17. 10-1; Jerry, Thomas; Experimental Panzerblitz
  18. 10-1; Duncan, Scott; SERIES REPLAY PREVIEW: Panzerblitz Design Analysis
  19. 10-3; Mills, Paul; PanzerBlitz Revision Upheld; (V, P) p20,22.
  20. 10-4**; Straus, Ian; Blind Panzer-Blitz; (V, P) p10-11.
  21. 10-6; Nordquest, Kurt; PanzerBlit, Revisited; (V, P) p9.
  22. 11-1; SERIES REPLAY (Plock, Livermore, Easton) Vol 11, #1 (SR) 21-27.
  23. 11-2; CONTEST #61 (Vol 11, #2) Insert.
  24. 11-2; MIller Dean; The Professional German; (P) p27-28.
  25. 11-3 **; PanzerNacht (Robert Harmon) Vol 11, #3 (V, P) It- 12.
  26. “QUESTION BOX (Vol 7, #6; Vol 8, #2,6; Vol 9, #3,5,6; Vol 10, #5,6; Vol 11, #4; VoL 12, #1).
  27. 11-4**; Harmon, Robert; Beyond Situation 13; (V, P) p7-11.
  28. 11-4; CONTEST #63; Insert.
  29. 11-4**; Chyba, Chris; **Another Situation 13: ParaBiitz; (V + C) p17-18.
  30. 11-5; Markowitz, Michael; Experimental PanzerBlitz; (V, P) p26,9.
  31. 22-6; Hoffman, Carl; Professional Russian; (P) p14-15.
  32. 12-2; Easton, Roy; Battle for Berlin; (V, P) p15 JPL1.
  33. 12-2; Livermore, Plock, Easton; SERIES REPLAY; (SR) p20-25.
  34. 12-2; Harmon, Robert; DESIGN ANALYSIS-The Fallacy of “PanzerBush”; (D) p25-26 [PLI.
  35. 12-3; Katsampes, Andrew; Mathematical LOS Determination; (V, P) p14-15.
  36. 12-4; Borczak, Richard; 3-D PanzerBlitz; (V, P, Minatures) p13-15.
  37. 12-5; McAneny, Larry; PanzerBlitz: Hex by Hex; (P) p3-13,34.
  38. 12-6; Easton & Kluksdahl; Weather [sic] or Not?; (V, P) p16,21 [PLI.
  39. 13-1; Brenton, Ken; Adding the Luftwaffe; (V, P) p31.
  40. 13-3; Cruz, Ramiro; PanzerBlitz, 1941; (V + C) p22-23,11.
  41. 13-5; Easton, Roy; Battles in Germany, 1948; (V, P) p31-32 [PL].
  42. 13-6; Boiar, Chiang & Boiar; SERIES REPLAY; (SR) p14-17,21-23.
  43. 14-3,1941 Panzerblitz,Scenario,30,William A. Farone
  44. 43. Errata appears on Letters page of Vol 14, #3.
  45. 13-6; Connolly, Joe; PanzerBlitz Mit Das Wetter; (V, P) p30,28.
  46. 14-3; Farone, William; 1941 PanzerBlitz;(V, P) 30.
  47. 15-4; Chiang & Olson; PanzerBlitz Situation -X”; (V, P) p14-16.
  48. 16-1, Staff; Panzerblitz Replay,Series Replay,23,Scenario 10, Part I,Staff
  49. 16-2, Staffl; Panzerblitz Replay,Series Replay,17,Scenario 10, Part II,Staff
  50. 16-5; Boggess, Gene; More Bangs Per Buck; (P) p32-34.
  51. 16-6,Two is Better Than One,Analysis,29,Probability Tables for Two Successive Attacks,Andrew Katsampes
  52. 18-1,Mobile Panzer Defense, Series Replay, 33, A Model Replay Of Scenario 6 of Panzerblitz,David K. Rod
  53. 20-3,Supplement to the Commander's Notebook,Analysis,21,Analyzing the Rest of the Panzerblitz Scen.,John Hunter
  54. 21-4,How to Win at Panzerblitz,Analysis,24,The Serious Side of Choosing Sides,Steve Powlesland
  55. 22-3,The Bend in the Corridor,Series Replay,6,Dramatic Interpretation of a PB Scenario,David Shafter
  56. 25-3,The King of Battle,Analysis,38,Artillery in the Panzerblitz Series,Carl Schwamberger
  57. 26-2,Howery, David; The Forgotten Year,Scenario,29,Panzerblitz Situations for 1942


  1. GGPB; The Pieces of Panzerblitz,Analysis,3,Larry McAneny
  2. GGPB; Beyond Situation 13,Scenario,7,More Panzerblitz Scenarios,Robert Harmon
  3. GGPB; Another Situation 13: Parablitz,Variant,17,Airmobile Panzerblitz,Christopher Chyba
  4. GGPB; Panzernacht,Variant,19,Night Pnazerblitz Rules,Robert Harmon
  5. GGPB; Blind Panzerblitz,Variant,21,Ian L Straus
  6. GGPB; Chopperblitz,Variant,22,Helicopters in Panzerblitz,Phil Kosnett
  7. GGPB; Panzerblitz Situation 13,Variant,24,Tom Oleson
  8. GGPB; More Panzerblitz Variants,Variant,25,Tom Oleson
  9. GGPB; Commander's Notebook,Analysis,26,Analyzing the 12 Scenarios,Robert Harmon
  10. GGPB; Championship Situations,Scenario,32,Lenard Lakofka
  11. GGPB; Panzerblitz Concealment,Variant,33,Peter Bradie
  12. GGPB; Incremental Panzerblitz,Variant,34,Panzer-bush or Panzerblitz,Tom Oleson

