updated 031030
From: Bryan Jackson <Sittingduck@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject: Re TPS Rules
Source: http://grognard.com/errata/tps.txt (WEB GROGNARDS)
Hi Tom
Wrote back to Henry and below is what he sent. Hope it clarifies things.
Take care and good luck.
What follows is an exact wording of the "official" 3rd edition changes
from Don Greenwood.
- 6.1 Add: "There is no Russian 1st impulse on Sept. 13th; their first
impulse is considered the second daylight impulse."
- 8.28 Delete "only spent"; insert "no fresh" in the second
sentence. (Change the 3rd sentence to read: Russian reinforcements may attempt
infiltration after crossing the Volga provided the area they infiltrate is
the landing area or adjacent to it.")
- 8.31 Delete: "doubles"; substitute: "triples".
- 8.352A Change "2X" to "3X".
- 8.352F Add: "Not valid vs Air or Artillery attacks."
- 14.2 Insert "basic" before "TEM". Delete "German
attack"; insert "Attack" in the second sentence. Russian ranged
attacks can create rubble.
- 15.3 Insert at the beginning: "Prior to combat resolutions".
- 15.3 & 8.352 When Russian artillery attacks alone, do the Germans get
to add rubble and air to the defense? A. Rubble no; Air yes.
- 15.32 Delete "1 or" from the 3rd sentence and delete the last
sentence of the second edition version of this paragraph.
- 18.2 Can German reinforcements be placed in a zone containing Russians without
having to attack? A. No, If desiring to enter a Russian-occupied zone they
must be placed either in an adjacent zone free of Russian units or left offboard
to enter the Russian-occupied zone during an impulse with normal MF expenditures.
- 18.3 Insert as the 4th sentence: "Other units already in the landing
zone may move, attack, or regroup normally as part of the same impulse.
- 18.5 Delete "not" in the 4th sentence.
- NOTE: With the revision of 15.32 in mind the "No German counter battery
allowed during day if no artillery observer present in quadrant" should
make more sense. In other words, the Luftwaffe unit (which is only available
during the day) is still a counter-battery unit for all quadrants, but in
order to use it the German player must have a Artillery Observer in the quadrant.
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