Revised 091017
The AREA rating system was established the TAHGC and continues through the efforts for Glenn Petroski and his merry band of AREA administrators. There is no charge for this service. Members are issued an identification number upon request. AREA ratings are used for seeding purposes for all BPA and SQLA tournaments. Players possess an separate rating for each game title with and exception for Squad Leader Series where all matches in SQL, COI, COD, and GIA are combined in a single Squad Leader Series rating. ASL ratings are separate from Squad Leader Series ratings.
  1. Current Squad Leader SeriesRankings on AREA Website; waiting for 091016 update to be applied
  2. Current SQL series Rankings, active players as of 091016; (MS Excel 2003 format; 1.4 MB)
  3. Match result input form
  4. AREA identification number request. Please provide your postal address.
  5. More AREA information. Where to find links, AREA publications.