Revised 170927
These Rules conventions are in force
in all SQLA events, subject to scenario SSR. "House Rules" as defined by others
are not applicable to SQLA events. The documentation does not claim to be the
'official' rule interpretation by TAHGC (or MMP) nor can they be forced on a
player outside SQLA events. These conventions supersede the SQLA Consolidated
published Q&A version 2006b060725WBC should a conflict exist. (SQLA is
part of the ongoing QA review team with MMP; conflicts will be resolved after
a data driven document review). The purpose of this document is to provide a
standard set of rules of SQLA tournament rules and minimize the impact of gray
areas of the rulebooks as published from creating controversy in SQLA tournaments
mid-game. This document will be revised regularly as warranted as new issues
are identified. The justification for most conventions is based on clarifications
contained in later rulebooks. The temptation to change actually change/optimization
of the rule is restrained and deferred to a future rulebook revision. (Amplification/enhancement
vs major change for consistency with system in later ruleset).
These conventions are not to be
considered a consensus opinion of the SQL player community. This document is
also useful to determine rule interpretation differences prior to starting a
match with a new opponent. The majority of active veteran players use these
conventions which be default leads to standardization. Every effort is made
to be consistent with later rule sets which often clarify various rule sections.
Creating conventions which must be 'unlearned' in later rule sets is unjustified.
These conventions also act as a bridge between the last rulebooks of TAHGC (SQL4th,
COI4th, COD1st & GIA2nd) and the unofficial next/SQLA editions. SQLA is
actively working with MMP to generate next edition rulebooks with the goal of
making obsolete the need for this document and compiled Q/A.
- Per
suggestion, the justification information is now adjacent to the convention
and formatted in Magenta text. All notes/justification is attributed to
Bill Thomson unless noted.
- Changes
from the previous issue (080820) are published here and superceded version 080820 is available here.
- References to VASL have
been replaced with VSQL module of VASSAL
commentary text is in dark green.
- Lasted
update changes, 170927.
Rule References and Q/A appropriate
to the scenario level
- Additional Reference:
COI Supplemental Rules
in effect
- Others only by player
agreement prior to play.
Rules in effect by SSR only
- Battlefield Integrity
- HE Near Misses (100).
Always in affect for Stuka and Sturmoviks, otherwise one player may opt out
before the start of play if not in affect by SSR.
This rule is problematic as a miss by more than 1 of
a 100mm+ shell will always land in an adjacent hex in LOS. If there is only
one other adjacent hex in the LOS, the shell will always land there. The HE
Near Miss rule is dropped completely in Advanced Squad Leader.
- Deliberate
fire setting (102.2)
- Environmental
Conditions (102.3) Scenarios will not use weather rules unless specifically
called for by the scenario in play.
COI Armor
Listings - Optional Armament
- Self
Defense Weapons must be rolled for per 64.5 and are not available prior to
July, 1944.
- Smoke
candles must be rolled for per 64.8 and are not available prior to 1943.
Ammunition is not available prior to 1942. Stated as
such in COD Rulebook, inside cover.
Optional Armament (opt#) is available by vehicle, following the procedure
in ARMOR LISTINGS - Optional Armament. Other optional armament available by
scenario date and/or availability roll include HEAT, Smoke Candles, Self Defense
Weapons, Special Ammunition, GIA Sherman Flame guns, and Gyros.
COI Miscellaneous
(Inside cover of COI rulebook forward 'A Word About Scenarios')
- All
vehicles which enter the playing area on the same hex and the same turn must
do so sequentially with the second vehicle paying one additional MP to enter,
the third two additional MPs, etc. Per Q/A, hexes A5/A6
and GG5/GG6 are the same road hex for sequential movement purposes.
- Unless
otherwise indicated in the scenario, all forces scheduled to arrive on a certain
turn must arrive during that turn. They may not wait off the board for later
entrance. (Infantry may wait until Advance Phase unless prohibited by SSR)
- Unless
otherwise indicated, placement on board half-hexes does not satisfy either
initial set-up or victory condition criteria.
- Unless
otherwise indicated, units which leave the board must remain off the board
and are considered eliminated for victory purposes. (EXCEPTION: AFVs forced
to withdraw by a STUN result).
- AFVs
cannot satisfy Victory Conditions requiring occupation of buildings, such
occupation must be by an infantry unit (including dismounted crews).
Rules in effect during tournaments
- In SQLA tournaments,
all rules through the gamette in play are in effect. For example, SQL through 63,
COI through 103 and Supplemental Rules stated above, COD through 140. The following exceptions apply:
- Scenarios One through
Three - Fire, Rubble and Upper Building Levels rules are not in play. These
exclusions are needed for balance. For example, the Germans will often lose
Scenario Two if a FT sets fire to the factory building when using the Fire
- Scenario Five - Players
should agree if all SQL rules are in play (i.e. entrenchments 54.0) or only
those through the scenario in play.
- Scenario Eight - Heat
is not available to the Priest AFVs for scenario balance.
- Scenario
Twelve - gun crews and AFV crews count towards the US setup restrictions.
- Players
may mutually agree to the rules in effect before commencing play, including
playing only those introduced through the scenario in play.
Standard Abbreviations
- RPh = Rally Phase
- PFPh = Prep Fire Phase
- MPh = Movement phase
- DFPh = Defensive Fire
- AFPh = Advancing fire
- RtPh =Rout Phase
- APh =Advance Phase
- CCPh = Close Combat
- DR = Two D6 Die roll
- dr = Single D6 die
- MF= Movement Factors
(i.e. Infantry, cavalry)
- MP = Movement Points
(i.e. Vehicles)
- DRM = Die Roll Modifier
- DM = Desperation Morale
- NMC = Normal Morale
- TEM = Terrain Effects
[Rules Section]:
protocol] Players may send partial moves (pulses) to force defender to
make a decision on shot vs. moving AFVs and similar units requiring immediate
defensive fire. Following a defensive fire shot, HIP minefield
attack, immobilization result or other action, regardless of outcome, the
balance of the move is cancelled and subject to revision by the moving player.
protocol] Due to the the shared mapboard, inherent LOS checking ability
(if player enabled), and potential LOS checking errors, unlimited LOS checks
are allowed. This is not true in FTF as a shared map is in use.
protocol] VSQL boards are the valid boards for LOS checks
as both players are using the same boards (unlike printed boards which vary
by printing edition, alignment, mounting and other factors. Using VASL boards,
all player possess the same LOS whereas actual boards differ with printing
and mounting. Be aware there as several iteration of
board files, v4, v5, and v5SK. VSQL requires both players use the same board
- [Tournament
protocol] In tournament settings, once both players agree a phase is over,
forgotten activities are considered lost opportunities. Exceptions are made
for instance resulting in clear violation of the rules and one player clearly
benefited Should players seek to create a long term friendship and ongoing
opposition, enforcement of this is optional if discussed prior to play. The
normal leniency of casual play is restricted in tournament play; lessons are
learned the hard way.
- [FTF
protocol] If either die is cocked or out of the rolling area, both are
to be rolled over.
- [FTF
protocol] If a LOS is shown to be blocked, the firing unit is still considered
to have fired and an appropriate DR is required for malfunction check purposes.
- [VSQL,
FTF and ESPECIALLY Tournament protocol]; when lurking or observing, NEVER
make game related comments, rule clarification or touch any opponent's units
unless at the player's requests.
- [Tournament
protocol] Players are not entitled to perform past forgotten actions,
retract movement once a new hex is entered. If the option is granted, the
opponent is enabled to make the same number of revisions. In championship
tournament play, this is practice is discouraged. in friendly play or when
training novices, error correction should be allowed liberally unless a ongoing
gaming relationship is not desired.
Protocol] Die Result Generation:
- In
real time server mode to use the die roller with each player rolling their
own die.
- In
PBEM play, use the ACTS is the default for all die rolls using the SQLS
custom module. ACTS keeps a log of all die rolls, comments, and elapsed
time; the latter is useful for the GM to determine who consumed most of
the time for games not completed in the allocated time. <http://acts.warhorsesim.com/>.
The vassal die roller or other system may be used only if both agree,
however do not complain to the GM regarding any issues which result (Vassal
application crashed, log was not turned on, etc). Be
aware one can delete/overwrite bad die rolls in VASSAL and/or modify an
turn by returning to save, whereas ACTS makes a permanent record. There
is always the possibility of one bad apple in the barrel. In most other
PBEM ladders of game titles, ACTS is always used, even by players with
a 20 year history, as there are no bad feelings for a string of good or
bad rolls.
- In
PBEM mode, players always roll their own rallies and CC die rolls at the
break between end of turn (with phasing player CCPH rallies, and the other
player rolling in the next RPh.PFPh/MPh mailing. The normal FTF requirement
that both players designate all CC before rolls are taken in ignored.
PBEM protocol] If excess dice are rolled, then the extra ones are ignored.
If not enough dice are rolled, then those that were generated are used, with
further dice being rolled as needed to make up the correct number.
This is consistent with several other PBEM protocal
in events of other game titles.
- Possession of any
hex for Victory Condition purposes which is on fire at scenario end is
given to the opponent of any player who deliberately set the fire [COI
fire setting] even if that fire spread from another hex. GIA
- Players are not
held responsible for fires started randomly by HE attack, FT, or burning
vehicles. Possession of hexes ablaze in this manner is given to the player
who last solely occupied the most non-burning hexes adjacent to the victory
determinant hex in question. GIA 169.81
- [5A, 30A] Entry
from off-board onto a road is assessed at the 1/2 MP road rate. (Modified
by vehicle sequential entry in COI).
- [5B]
No SW equipment possession by units in a hex. Any unit surviving a fire phase
unbroken may use the SW. GIA introduces the concept of equipment possession.
- [5C] Walls and
hedges are defined by the hexside not by the artwork. Walls and hedges exist
along the entire length of the hexside regardless of the artwork presentation.
SEE [11.5 A&B]
Rule 11.5 introduces Walls and Hedges, but is often a source of confusion
among Squad Leader players. Perhaps because these rules are not actually used
in the original scenarios until #4, a considerable time after their introduction.
Two interpretations exist: that the wall or hedge SYMBOL dictates LOS presence
or blockage (consistent with rule 7.2) or the alternative, that the Wall or
Hedge HEXSIDE dictates LOS presence or blockage (consistent with rules 5.51,
11.5, and 11.51). Alan Yngve: [9/23/96]
- [6A]
Two crews equal a squad for vehicular stacking purposes, but not for hex capacity
limits. Clarified
by G142.32. Reference to GIA half squad is deleted.
- [7A] Units in
hexes X8 and P7 on board 4 are in a building although for LOS purpose, the
hex center dot is used.
- [8A]
Halftracks may form a firegroup with passengers, infantry in the same hex,
adjacent halftracks and/or adjacent infantry. Note SQL 33.8 "33.8 AFV’s
may not combine fire with any other AFV or infantry - even if adjacent".
Halftracks forming firegroups with passengers is explicitly
allowed by SQL 47.4; forming firegroups with other halftracks is allowed explicitly
by Q/A; forming firegroups with infantry in hex and adjacent hex meets firegroup
requirements of rule SQL 8.6.
- [9A]Units are
considered adjacent for firegroups if either play could conceivably move an
infantry unit from that hex into the adjacent hex in question during the ensuing
Advance Phase. This
clarification if found in GIA rule and is pulled forward.
- [11.5A]
The thick terrain depiction, as well as the hexside itself (inclusive of vertices),
represents the wall/hedge and will affect any LOS through it, except for obvious
breaks for roads in the depiction such as 6X9/W9 (see illustration below).
This is pulled directly from ASL B9.1 and B9.2. Pulling this rule forward
terminates endless debate.
- [11.5B]
Walls and hedges are Half-Level obstacles to LOS (A6.21) even if they lie
lengthwise (on a hex spine) exactly along a LOS unless the viewing/target
hex is formed by that hexside/hex spine. This is true even if the hex spine
to/from the target/firing hex also directly connects with other wall edge
hexside vertices which are not part of either the firer/target hex. A wall/hedge
hexside never blocks LOS to any portion of its own hex. This
is pulled directly from ASL B9.1 and B9.2. Pulling this rule forward terminates
endless debate.

- EX:
An attack from 6Y6 to Z7 is effected by the hedge hexside Y7-Z7 even though
the hedge depiction does not actually extend to the vertex.
- EX:
The 4-4-7 in 6Z9 can attack the 8-3-8 in X6 with a +2 DRM for the wall
because both intervening hex spines are part of either the firing or target
hex. If the Z8-Y9 hedge did not exist (or were actually at Y8-Y9), no
LOS to X6 from Z9 would exist. If a German unit were in Y8, both it and
the 4-4-7 would qualify for the + I TEM of the Y8-Z9 hex spine when firing
at each other.
- [13A] A player
cannot purposely rout his units in such a fashion as to ensure their elimination
if a safe rout path exists.
- [13B] A unit
is required to rout when adjacent to any type of enemy unit (infantry, vehicle
etc.). However, adjacent vehicles do not cause the removal of concealment
counters. (Exception: 106.6 in effect)
- [13C] When opposing
broken infantry begin the RtPh adjacent only to each other, only the phasing
player is required to rout by 13.2. [previously identified as Consult
- [14A] Units
which voluntarily break are not considered DM unless shot at since the previous
rally phase. Otherwise units which break are considered DM except due to pre-game
MC; Example, SSR in Scenario 5.
- [14B] Units
are not considered 'shot at' for DM if targeted but missed by a gun. Should
the gun score a hit, even if resolved as NE, targeted broken units are now
considered DM.
- [16A] The Moving
in the open ground -2 DRM applies cumulatively to smoke, shellholes, under
stationary AFVs, behind walls, behind hedges and forest-road hexes subject
to Q&A 81.2 and Q&A 81.22.
- [16B, 55B] Once
a moving unit (infantry or vehicle) is fired upon, the defender forfeits all
additional fire opportunities at that unit in the target hexes occupied prior
to the initial fire. Therefore, if a defender has several target hex possibilities
against the same moving unit, he may want to carry out his attacks in the
order the target hexes are traversed. COD Mechanics
of Play clarified 16.3 'moved to the next target hex along...'
- [17A]
Penetration attacks may occur either before and/or after the target hex. All
hexes are subject to the same attack DR and Leadership DRM. This applies to
AFV MGs with the additional constraint in SQL that Covered Arc machine guns
must fire at the same hex as the main armament (34.7). COI
allows Bow and AA MGs to fire independent of the main armament (64.4, 64.46).
- [17B] If a Leader
mans a MG (either singly or in combination with another Leader) he loses any
Leadership DRM he may have exerted over other firing units in the same hex.
However, he would maintain the Leadership DRM for his own fire provided he
is not part of a FG which would otherwise not have that Leadership DRM. Clarification
regarding use of Leadership DRM provided by 143.111.
- [17C] Crews/HS’s
may fire any one MG with full FP but in so doing lose their inherent FP for
that player turn (EXC: only LMG’s may be used in CCPh). A crew/HS which fires
a LMG in CC would be unable to also fire its inherent FP during that CCPh.
Clarification provided by GIA 143.12 to SQL by 41.2.
- [17D] A MMG,
HMG, ATR, Mortar, or 5/8" non-vehicular ordnance counter which moved during
the MPh may not fire during the ensuing AFPh. SQL
rule 5.74 prohibits any squad carrying 4 or more portage points in the MPh
from firing a MMG/HMG it moved in ensuing AFPh due to the portage costs of
such weapons. While many extend this simply to mean MMG/HMG may not be fired
in the AFPh if they were moved, others will argue a different unit may fire
this SW for reasons which defy time and space. To end the debate fueled by
lack of treatment in the later gamettes and Q/A, the ASL rule 4.41 is moved
- [18A] If, in
the act of charging the nearest enemy unit in its LOS, a berserk unit moves
into the LOS of a closer (in hexes) enemy unit, he charges that unit instead.
Should the enemy unit being charged no longer be in the berserk unit's LOS
in the interim, the berserk unit still charges the hex originally occupied
by that unit.
- [22A, 23A] German
838s, Russian 628s, and American 847s may use DC and FT of their own nationality
without penalty unless restricted by SSR. Flamethrowers have a range and penetration
of two hexes. Until the use of COI Rule 90 (Captured Equipment & Vehicles),
only qualified American units may use captured FTs or DCs. Per
the game card, captured use of a FT is per Notes A (Must have a leadership
modifier of -2 or -3), C (Must be Assault Engineer), H (Must be American Unit).
The 11/14/05 conversation with the rules authorities is summarized as follows:
American -2/-3 leaders or an American 847 Assault Engineer may use captured
FT or DC counters.
- [22C] The -1
applies to a target hex for each FT; even if the attack is made by a FT.
- [23A] See [22A,
- [24A] German
838s always have unlimited smoke-making capability unless limited by the scenario
in play. Other infantry units do not have inherent smoke-making ability unless
specified by the scenario in play. Exception: British Commandos (104.22)
- [27A] Units
may not use Sewer Movement unless specified by the scenario in play.
- [30A] It costs
an AFV 4 MP + COT to move through enemy AFV. The COT is 1 MP if shell hole
or road.
- [30B] COT for
a vehicle to move through a shell hole hex is 1/2 MP for AFVs when traveling
down the road. (The large rulebook illustration SQL4th near rule 30A showing
truck and halftrack movement).
- [30C] Any vehicle
or wreck in the road hex negates road movement for other vehicles entering
the road hex.
- [31A] Passengers
of a vehicle, which becomes immobilized or bogged in a MPh or due to DF, may
unload if the vehicle would normally have 2 MP left the time of immobilization.
Otherwise they must wait until the next MPh unless routing during the rout
phase. Based
on GIA 144.932. This allows passengers to get out as there is no reason to
stay inside.
- [31B]
If the AFV carrying passengers fires any armament other than AAMG, smoke candles,
or is hit by any type of ordnance or FFE not resulting in elimination of the
AFV, all passengers must "bailout" into the same hex beneath the AFV. Additionally,
such units may not fire in the PFPh, DFPh or AFPh as appropriate that player
turn. They may advance normally in the APh.
Based GIA: 144.93. This rule is moved forward as clarification does not exist
previous to GIA. This prevents the tacky move of parking AFV two hexes away,
fire in AFPh, unload passengers who also fire in the AFPh and advance into
Close Combat vs a target with no LOS/DFPh opportunity.
- [31C] Ordinance
cannot select exposed passengers/crew as an infantry TO HIT target type. Such
units suffer damage only as a secondary result of a hit on their carrying
vehicle. Therefore, TEMs to which the infantry are entitled (such as CE: +2)
would be added to the subsequent TO KILL DR - not to the vehicular TO HIT
DR. The vehicle destruction by HE and the infantry IFT attack are resolved
using the same DR. Based
GIA 145.11 . This is another clarification appearing in GIA that ends the
debate of this topic hence rule is moved forward.
- [31D]
Passengers may unload into an adjacent hex only if the transporting vehicle
spends 2MP (see 31A). The unloading passengers may be targeted in the vehicle
hex with the appropriate DRMS (moving in the open, +1 for AFV, etc.) ONLY
if the shot is taken as they unload or the vehicle remains in the hex. The
vehicle is free to move away from the unloading hex after any defensive fire
shots are taken. The protection during unloading is
inferred by the 2MP cost expended but fuels debate regarding additional shots
vs the unloading hex after the transporting AFV moves away.
- [32A]
Defensive fire against infantry traveling on foot with an AFV does not affect
other units which later move through this target hex, unless the defensive
fire is occurring after all enemy movement is completed. If the +1 vehicle
DRM is claimed by the moving player, the vehicle must end it movement with
the infantry and may not separate from it during that movement phase. The
vehicle must slow down and regulate its movement to the protected infantry
on foot to impart the +1 DRM.
- [33A] A vehicle
pivoting during the PFPh or AFPh (Squad leader Case D - firing outside of
covered arc) is not considered a moving target because it has not expended
- [33B] It is
tactically recommended but not required that vehicle type units, which must
be shot at as they move (Vehicles, scouts, cavalry, etc.), must move before
- [33C] Vehicles
can be fired at both before and after changing facing, except in their starting
hex in which case they can only be fired at after changing facing or a MP
expenditure (i.e. changing covered arc at the cost of 2 MP).
- [33D] A turreted
AFV may pivot during a fire phase without having to fire any MA or MG.
- [33E] SPGs and
guns may not fire outside their covered arc, instead they may pivot in the
MPh for the AFPh. Exception: they may pivot and fire during the DFPh.
- [33F] An MG
does not penetrate past a vehicle outline (33.7). Exception: a vehicle that
moved presents no LOS obstacle during that DFPH (32.7). A MG firing during
the MPH at a moving vehicle or its exposed crew, passengers or infantry on
foot (16.7) does not effect non-moving units.
- [33G]
All Russian 76L armaments hits with the 'L' benefit but kills on the 76 column
of the To Kill Table - not the 76L column. This applies to all Russian armaments
of the 76L type, Vehicular and Ordnance. Note
MM does not appear in the Russian Artillery listing. However, ASL has a specific
TO KILL column (weaker than the standard 76L column) applicable for all Russian
76L guns. The German 76L ATG per ASL notes sources from captured Russian 76L
ART stocks but the design has been modified and uses the standard more potent
76L TO KILL column based on superior German manufactured ammunition. Also,
Note MM was introduced in the third edition of Cross of Iron with the Rules
Amendments in Crescendo of Doom, pg 74.
- [33.H & 102B]
[102B &33H] A bow mounted FT may
not fire in the AFPh if the vehicle moved into a new hex during the MPh.
- [33.I]
Ordnance targeting a crew that is bailing out uses the infantry in open with
moving DRM.
Per 2006 Q&A committee; not yet in published Q&A.
- [34A] The MkVIF1
has Canister until COI implements an availability roll in the Armor Listings
- Optional Armament, pg. 61. The scenario in play may also restrict availability.
- [35A]
Units in a wooden building which is being overrun are attacked at full strength
with the +2 modifier. If they survive, they are placed into an adjacent hex
per rules then the building is rubbled if the AFV remains in the hex and in
Squad Leader the crew passes its morale check (otherwise the crew will be
close combat with the enemy troops present. Some
have contended in past tournaments the creation of the rubble eliminated all
building occupants. Argument was derived by applying HE KIA rubble creation
to any AFV overruning units in a wooden building without regard to AFV strength
or overrun attack die roll.
- [35B]
When an AFV crosses a wall/hedge to initiate an overrun, the wall/hedge
TEM is applied to the Overrun attack.
- [35C]
An AFV may not end its movement phase in a gun hex unless it is Overrunning it (48.64).
Therefore, an AFV may not destroy or capture more than one gun per Movement Phase.
- [36A]
Units which fail Pre-AFV MC in the advance phase or MC for entering a burning
wreck may make an alternate advance/movement.
- [36B]
Crews may not attempt AFV immobilization.
- [36C]
A PreAFV MC is required for infantry to place a DC on an enemy AFV.
- [37A]
Shaped Charged Weapons (panzerfausts, bazookas, panzerschrecks, piats) may
target ATG/guns using their reverse side TO HIT table. ATRs use the 33.3
To Hit Table. The
Don Greenwood design article viewpoint is used as a basis. Leadership, target
hex TEM, moving target modifiers and target size, where applicable, apply
to the TO HIT DR.
- [37B]
All SCW (panzerfuasts, bazookas, panzerschreck, piats) TO HIT numbers are
modified by Leadership, target TEM, moving target modifiers and target size,
applicable. SCW
are not modified by range (adjacent or GIA range=2) but rather using the counter
reverse side TO HIT chart.
- [37C]
Point Blank Fire modifiers do not apply to Bazooka type weapons (Panzerschreck,
square around the Range indicates no LR, Moving or PBF modifications, Counter
Abbreviations in QRDC.
- [37D] Rule 37.1
exempts Infantry armed with special Anti-Tank weapons from the requirement
take a Pre-AFV Attack Morale Check to attack an AFV with the SW. However such
an equipped squad is still required required to take a PreAFV MC to attempt
infantry immobilization.
- [40.6A,
41.1A] Only AFV wrecks provide hull down status.
This eliminates unrealistic cases of using functioning vehicles which may
themselves be out of LOS to screen other vehicles which are in LOS (COI2-38).
The illustration on page 10 of the fourth edition rulebook was never updated
and erroneiously shows a functioning AFV causing Hull Down status.
- [42A] All hidden
counters are revealed when an unbroken enemy infantry unit is adjacent at
the end of the DFPh or APh. Exception: 106.6 in effect.
- [42B] Hidden/concealed
units in a hex are not revealed when other non-HIP/concealed units in the
hex fire or suffer a Moral Check. They would lose HIP/concealment if enemy
fire resulted in a MC after modification for Area Fire.
- [42C] Regarding
hidden units:
- [42C.1]
If a vehicle moves into a hidden unit hex an overrun occurs 42.6.
- [42C.2]
If infantry moves into a hidden unit, execute 42.5. it is immediate bounce
back and all further movement by that unit is canceled
- [42D] Fortifications
may setup using HIP in woods terrain. Exception: Roadblocks may setup HIP
out of enemy LOS and are immediately revealed once the enemy has LOS.
point is debated in many Scenario 11 "St. Goar Assault" games. Although it
is unknown what the scenario designer intended, this convention resolves the
- [43A] Crest
lines do not create a blind hex if the firing hex is part of the same hill
as the crest line in question. For example, 2E8 is a blind hex to 2K5, it
is not the same crest line. 2O9 has LOS to 2O5, they share a crest line.
- [43.7A] Units on any elevation can see
anything on the same level. Exception: buildings are obstructed by intervening equivalent height buildings (7.5)
'A' and 'B' are clear (43.7), 'C' is blocked (7.5).

- [44A] Infantry
cost into a shellhole hex is 1 MF in addition to any other costs (i.e. walls,
smoke). The cost to enter a shellhole roadhex from another road hex remains
at 1 MF in addition to any other costs (i.e. walls, smoke). (14.5-34)
through shellhole hexes (example, 4S3) that are also road hexes is a source
of contention among Squad Leader players. Two interpretations exist; that
road movement is unhindered by shellholes due to rule 44.3 "Shellholes have
no special effect upon infantry movement ..." and rule 5.52 "... moving into
a road hex is 1/2 MF only if the hex is entered through a hexside crossed
by the road" OR that entering a shellhole hex, even if along a road, costs
1 MF, an interpretation derived primarily from the inclusion of shellhole
hexes with "open ground and Wheatfields on the movement chart (rule 5.5).
- [44B] Wheatfields
in effect only during appropriate months (June through October)
- [44C] Passangers on vehicles
are the equivalent height and are always visible in a wheatfield. (154.4)
RULE (but required by SSR in SQLA half-bid scenario designs) Following definition
of the opposing units, the player owning OBA secretly chooses if his OBA module
is 4 missions of 80 mm, 3 missions of 100 mm, 2 missions of 120 mm, or 1 mission
of 150 mm. Radio contact can be attempted in the initial rally phase of the
game if immediately available unless restricted by SSR. (5). This
rules is used in half bid scenarios as the great possible variation due to
die rolls for OBA caliber and number of modules often is the dominant factor
influencing which side wins. It is suggested for other scenarios at the player's
- [45B]
Artillery owner need not state caliber until resolved on IFT and number of
missions until game end.
- [45C]
Once all allocated missions are used, a player may not continue to place AR/SR
with the depleted module. (46.72)
- [45D]
If a side has multiple artillery modules in play; simply state whether using
module A or B when making radio contact.
- [45E]
Multiple radios may be in contact with the same module, however the module
can have only one counter (AR, SR, FFE) on the board at one time.
- [46A]
Indirect fire vs hidden/concealed units is halved as AREA fire.
One of the hardest aspects of the artillery system for many to justify hertofore
has been the halving of indirect fire vs concealed/hidden units...The obvious
answer is that concealment does not make a target harder to hit so much as
it makes it less likely that a spotter would have any reason to call fire
down on an area to begin with. The halving effect was merely an attempt to
compensate for the omnipresent eyes of the game player who can see concealment
counters and thus predict the presence of a target that a real observer would
have little reason to suspect. Clarification from preamble to 163.3.
- [46B]
If the spotter does not have LOS to a non-concealed/HIP infantry or vehicle
target, the FP is halved as AREA fire for the seven hex Blast Area.
This convention prevents players from attacking units it has no LOS to and
in theory no knowledge of using the seven hex barrage. This is not covered
specifically in the SQL Series rules. ASL does allow it but an additional
battery access draw is required to place the AR, with additional draw during
FFE placement if not viable target is within LOS of a unit. Although still
possible, increasing the number of draws from two to four, make such used
improbable and a questionable use of resources.
- [47A] M16s and
other ordinance-armed halftrack may not carry passengers. (Note the SQL M16
counter is missing the typical 'P5' notation indicating it has a portage capacity
of 5).
- [48A] A Gun
Shield does not protect it's crew in the DFPh immediately following a MPh
in which the gun was pushed or unloaded from a vehicle
- [48B] The crew
manning an ATG is only effected by a hit on the gun and is not considered
an "other unit in the same hex." It can not be targeted apart from
the gun. The 48.2 Example is modified such that only the squad is considered
hit, not the crew. Additionally, had the tank rolled a '6' TH, the
ATG is destroyed and the same TH dice roll effects the crew on the '8'
column of the IFT with +2 for the gun shield, no building modifier. The effect
on the squad remains the same. Exception: SQL 63.7 Mortars, Howitzers and
their attendant crews use the correct infantry row of the TH table and its
effect measured against the crew on the IFT. Any KIA against the crew, exclusive
of gun shield, destroys the gun.
A crew is not subject to double jeopardy, it is either
hit with the gun or it is not effected. Players can see the ATG counter on
the board and know exactly where it is. In reality, they were difficult to
spot from a buttoned up AFV and often could fire several times before being
spotted. The low TO HIT numbers for gun and crew reflects the difficulty of
spotting the gun and balances the player's complete knowldedge of the board.
- [48C] No 5/8"
counter may enter or leave a bunker during play. [Refer
to RuleConsult10].
- [48D]
Prior to COD 107.2; what To Hit modifiers apply to SCW (bazookas, panzerfausts,
panzerschrecks) when targeting guns?
A: Only moving target and TEM apply, not V size gun target modifiers. [previously
identified as Consult #01]
- [48E]
HE shells 37mm and larger destroy ATG in the same manner as AP hits.
- [48F] Other
gun types are destroyed by hits using the Gun Target classification similar
to ATGs. Exception: SQL 63.7, see 48B.
- [48G] ATGs may
not fire smoke until COI 63.22 is in effect. 48.83 explicitly
allows HE only, in addition to AP.
- [49A]
Night Rules follow the interpretations in this document. Upon mutual agreement of both players,
this SQLA alternate may be used. Due to the significant
ambiguities of Night Rules and the variety of player interpretations, SQLA
recommends using either of these rules clarifications.
- [51A]
Truck Wrecks are a LOS block only similar to a AFV/AFV wrecks but do not
provide a protective +2 TEM wall similar to a AFV/AFV wrecks. Exception
of German SdKfz vehicle types. SQL 51.3 states
"Unlike AFVs, units do not receive a terrain effects modifier for being
underneath a truck counter. Truck outlines do serve to block same level LOS
(32.3,32.7) as if the truck were a stone wall on the second hexside of the
vehicle hex through which the fire is traced." To infer truck wrecks
are equivalent to earlier introduced AFV wreck when rules explicitly state
trucks do not provide same TEM benefits as trucks is a questionable stretch
in logic.
- [51B] Trucks
are affected by MC results on the IFT. Exception: Indirect fire (46.54), Overruns
(35.3), and Minefields (55.6) only affect the vehicle with a KIA result, modified
by -3, -5, -3, respectively. The third edition amended
51.4 but not 46.54, 35.3 or 55.6. We respect the original rules requiring
a KIA for indirect fire, Overruns and Minefields.
- [52]
SW on jeeps may be unloaded either by a moving jeep spending 2 MP in a hex
containing stationary infantry OR by infantry advancing into the jeep hex
and taking possession, or a unit starting in the advance phase in the jeep
hex advancing with the SW. The
methodology to remove a loaded SW from a jeep is never treated in any rulebook
through ASL until a 2002 ASL Q&A
- [54A]
A Crew needs a 4 DR in order to entrench (54.2), but once entrenched provides
entrenchments sufficient for an entire hex’s infantry stacking limit (there
is no such thing as a half entrenchment). A SMC may never dig an entrenchment.
Although introduces by a Q/A. the GIA rule 142.34 is
explicitly stated. Reference to GIA halfsquad is deleted.
- [54B]
Entrenchments cancel open ground for rout purposes (13.42) only if the routing
unit pays the extra MF to enter/leave the entrenchment hex.
Although treated in Q/A 13.1, the GIA rule 142.5 clarified this, the balance
of rule paragraph is deleted due to GIA changes in routing MFs, and other
rout system changes.
- [54C]
Infantry may rout underneath an entrenchment in a Woods hex if they have available MF that phase.
- [55B] See [16B,
PHASE: Units may use the APh to either move one hex or climb or descend one
level in a staircase hex (not sewer entrance) of a multi-level building. A
unit in a bunker, entrenchment, or trench may still advance out of that terrain
feature and into an adjacent hex and vice versa, but it may not move out of
a bunker/entrenchment and into an adjacent bunker/entrenchment in the same
APh. The unit would have to remain outside those terrain features even though
they could move into the hex containing them. (GIA 143.2; see note 57). SQL
rule 57.4 allows advances into a stairwell hex and change levels. However
it does not state one can change levels and move into an adjacent hex during
the Advance Phase. Appendix rule 4.7 states "The one hex advance during
the Advance Phase may include any Movement Penalties for entering or leaving
a bunker or, entrenchment, or, changing levels in a staircase hex, plus the
act of movement into the adjacent hex." However both instances allow
a unit to advance directly into Close Combat without the target unit benefiting
from a Defensive fire opportunity vs. this attacker. This is considered a
flaw due the the GIA clarification. For this reason, the GIA rule is moved
- [59A] Players
may agree prior to the start of a match or Tournament that rules may be stated
that Fires do not spread with exception to other levels of the same hex per
normal procedures (see note 59A) as a timesaving measure.
- [62A] Roadblocks
are removed in rally phase only if removing unit did no actions during own
player turn. They are not removed in rally phase following and idle defensive
fire phase.
- [62B] Roadblock
placements are limited to road and runway hexsides , or across gaps in terrain
so as to block vehicular movement. Other placement would require a SSR.
- [63 SQL A] Howitzer
gun shield DRM is not factored in to determine gun destruction.
- [63 SQL B] Howitzers
and Mortars may fire smoke. ATG see 48G
46.9 allows artillery to place smoke, without regard to Offboard or Onboard.
- [63A] On board
guns resolving indirect fire on the IFT malfunction when rolling their Breakdown
number or higher, they do not malfunction when placing or correcting an Artillery Request
or Spotting Round.
- [63B] Mortar
attacks are subject to the same DRMs as Off Board Artillery.
- [63C] Appropriate
units have Heat unless otherwise stated by SSR. EXCEPTION: Heat is not available
to the American Priest SPGs in Scenario #8 "Bitche Salient" unless per player
agreement as a pro-American balancing option.
- [63D]
A Leader is considered adjacent for spotting for indirect fire if he is within
one hex of the firing ordnance and there is no more than a three level elevation
difference between them. This
clarification is GIA rule 142.212. Third level buildings are introduced in
COD, fourth level hills and split level buildings in GIA. This rule sets appropriate
spotting limits.
- [63E]
Regardless whether used in direct fire or indirect fire, Mortar IF attacks are
subject to OBA modifiers including +4 for entrenchments, -1 for Air burst per 109.6
and resolving AFV destruction on the IFT.
This is due to the high trajectory of mortar fire.
- [63F]
Indirect fire vs AFVs (63.39) add the worst of any positive armor DRMs only if all
armor DRMs are positive.
This is clarified on the GIA QRDC Artillery Barrage vs Vehicle DRM's table.
- [64A] A turreted
AFV may change its turret covered arc at any point in its MPh (COI+)
- [64B] Although
a turret may change covered arc freely while moving in the MPh w/o additional fire modifier
in the AFPh, if the owner changes it in the AFPh as a distinct action,
the modifier applies in addition to the +5 for moving into a new hex.
- [64C] CE AFV
status can only be changed during the MPh and APh unless stunned
by enemy fire result.
If a CE Crew Prep fires and applies the BU penalty, it may change its CE status in the MPh
although some want their cake and eat it too.
- [64D] Ordinance
fire vs. a CE commander or passengers must use the corresponding AFV target
- [64E] Nahverteidigungswaffe
Close Defense weapon are not available until July, 1944. [COI
rule 64.5 states 'mid-1944'. ASL allows it starting July, 1944.]
- [64F]
Rule 64.46, which restricts the usage of the Coaxial MG and MA in the same TCA, is
written with the assumption that the AFV main armament is turrent mounted.
This restriction is not applicable when the MA is bow mounted (such as PzKwII
Flamingo, Lee, CharB etc.)
- [66A] Deliberate immobilization attempts
do not use Supplemental Rule M.
This is consistent with 130.1 Location of Vehicular Hits.
- [66B] ATRs and
guns may not deliberately immobilize unarmored targets. Exception: SdKfz type vehicles.
Partially armored vehicles (64.34) are subject to deliberate immobilization.
- [72A]
For Overrun strength calculations, IFE Main Armament is treated as a MG (at
full strength). The Ostwind overrun value is 4+4+12=20af. (COD-105) This
is not adequately treated in SQL Series but is in line with treatment within
ASL overrun.
- [72B]
AFVs with no functional armament may not enter an enemy hex to overrun, destroy
guns, or force evacuation of a occupied entrenchment.
- [72C]
An AFV may only overrun one enemy hex per MPh and must attack the
first enemy occupied hex entered.
- [76A]
Armor Leaders do not modify the IFE attack of the main gun.
of treatment in PREASL rules has led to a MMP Ruling by Alain Chabot (8/00).
Only out of respect to Alain do I use his version while I attempt to change
his mind.
- [77A]
The CASE C: -3 TO KILL DRM for firing at an Open Topped AFV is never in play;
Consider CASE C deleted. CASE B (-1 TO KILL) still applies to all appropriate
TO KILL attempts regardless of whether close topped or open topped target.
This is one of the great flaws in COI. MMG/HMG
with height advantage vs open topped AFVs are immune from TO HIT, smoke, limited
LOS and other normal restrictions. The impact of this rule goes beyond the
intention as its implementation elates MMG/HMG with height advantage as the
greatest threat to open topped vehicles primarily halftracks and their crews.
The resulting to kill attempt (net 5 vs. frontal shot vs. German halftracks,
6 for Russian/US). Note in ASL only airplanes get a -1 armor height advantage
TO KILL DRM. The optional nature of this rule was dropped 060515. This rule
is one of the major foibles of the SQL series rulebooks.
- [88.1A] ATRs do not
benefit from target acquisition. Per 2006 Q&A committee;
not yet in published Q&A.
- [88A] King Tigers
cannot be immobilized by ATRs. This
was a SSR rule introduced in Scenario 109 "Counterattack on the Vistula" on
the basis that King Tigers has armored road wheels. As King Tigers had armored
road wheels by design and not limited to this scenario, this SSR has been
- [90A] The captured weapon penalty (+2 TH or 1/2 FP, +2 breakdown,
red TH, and no repair) is applied once regardless if the captured equipment is manned
by an unqualified unit. Exception: The penalty is doubled for the French when using special
engineering weapons. Players often misread 90.1 although it is
not ambiguous. This position is supported by Q& 90.12 {17.3-46} and Q&A 105.1 {COD-105}
, the conflicting OAF Q&A is less authoritative than the Rulebook and AH General and
- [90B] Only Crews may man
captured AFVs. Any infantry unit may capture a vehicle. The only
captured weapons that 90.1 allows unqualified units to man are FT, DC and
Ordnance; AFVs are not included. 90.6 does not reference 90.1 to extend
non qualified use to AFVs, it only applies 90.12-.13 penalties to crews using captured AFVs.
- [91B] Only friendly/enemy crews, COD deployed squads (and
GIA half squads benefit from the gun shield when using a captured gun.
MGs firing against moving cavalry forfeits penetration capability unless the
defensive fire is occurring after all enemy movement is completed.
- [92B]
Ordinance shooting at Mounted cavalry uses the Infantry target classification.
- [SQL
5.7 & QRDC] Remove 'C' & 'D' under Captured Use of Panzerfaust in
Support Weapons Chart.
American units of the correct type may operate all captured SWs (50.3).
American 6-6-6 squads are the same type as German 4-6-7 squads and may operate
- [SQL
5.7 & QRDC] Replace 'D' with 'G' under Captured Use of Mortar in Support
Weapons Chart.
Only American Crews may man captured Mortars (50.3), Assault Engineers may
not. This is effective until Captured Equipment & Vehicles (90) are in play.
- [23.6]
Replace:"Advance Phase" with "Advancing Fire Phase"
This is a typo, units can not fire in the Advance Phase.
- [32.3 illustration]
Remove:"(or be considered hull down (41.1) in the case of AFVs)"
Only wrecks provide Hull Down status, not functioning vehicles.
See convention [40.6A, 41.1A].
- [32.7 illustration]
Replace:"Fire C is blocked." with "Fire C is clear."
While vehicles do normally block LOS like a wall, the exception is they never block
adjacent units (32.3). C would be blocked if it was in O1 and O2 was open ground.
- [SQL4th
58.4] Rewrite: "A tank or SP Gun which moves into a wooden building
creates a rubble counter in that hex. If not immobilized other tracked
AFVs may move through the rubble counter without rolling for immobilization.
AFVs may not move through a rubble hex containing a vehicle which was immobilized
attempting to move into that hex. The rubble counter still generates the same
movement costs and terrain modifiers as a wooden building however. An immoblized
AFV in a rubble hex may not change its Covered Arc." Quoted
from Rules Amendments on page 74 of Crescendo of Doom, a few lines
fell off the 4th edition on the way to the printer.
- [COI 63.3] Last sentence should read:
"Anti-tank guns never use indirect fire." A minor typo with great effect.
- [COI4th 64.6] Delete first paragraph and rewrite:
"Some AFVs, due to their huge bulk or unusually high silhouettes, were much easier to hit than other designes.
This inherent weakness is presented on the AFV counters in question by the color of the armor modifier.
AFV targets with black armor modifier numbers use conventional TO HIT procedures. AFV targets with a front
armor modifier printed in red deduct 1 from all TO HIT dice rolls made against them. AFV targets with
both front and side armor modifiers printed in red deduct 2 from all TO HIT dice rolls made against them.
" a few lines fell off the fourth edition on the way to the printer. This is
the wording from the third edition.
- [COI4th 64.7] Add an overscore to the "76*".
The overscore fell off the fourth edition on the way to the printer.
- [Note
KK] Clarification (as applicable to T70); T70
is subject to vehicle note KK (COI introduction of COD One Man Turret 129.4).
Due to the commander also being the loader and gunner, treat as a SP Gun.
They may not use Advancing Fire after moving to a new hex. These tanks may
change their Turret Covered Arc in the same manner (64.121) as other tanks
but must use Hit Determination DRM case D instead of B, and case E instead
of A. If CE, no weapons may fire. The vehicle note has
been interpreted as both a net +2 and net +1 total DRM. This clarification
is consistent with the COD One Man Turret rule.
- [Note
MM] Add to Notes if missing "MM All Russian 76L armament hits with
L benefit but kills on the 76 column of the TO KILL Table - Not the 76L"
and add "MM" to the vehicle notes for T-34/76B, T-34/ATO-41,
T-34/76C, KV-1A (Klim), KV-1C (Klim), SU-76, SU-76M and Zis (d). Note
MM was introduced in the third edition of Cross of Iron with the Rules
Amendments in Crescendo of Doom, pg 74. See 33G for convention.
- [QRDC1] The Cross of Iron 'Infantry Fire Table' uses '16' and
not '16/80', thus resolving 80+mm OBA on the '12' IFT column. The '16/80' appeared in the
first edition QRDC and was corrected to '16' in the second edition of the QRDC.
80+ OBA is consistently resolved on the '12' column for all gamettes.
- [QRDC2] The Cross of Iron 'Minefield vs Vehicles Modifiers'
add if missing "Armored Car.... -2". This was added in the second edition of the QRDC.
- [QRDC3] The Cross of Iron 'To Hit Table 33.33'
remove if present in Case I "firing outside of Covered Arc...(+2)"
This was removed from the second edition of the QRDC.
- [QRDC4] The Cross of Iron 'To Hit Table 33.33'
add if missing " * Applicable to rocket shaped-charge weapons (PF, piat, bazooka, Psk)"
and add "*" to Cases G, H, J, K O, P and Q. This was added in the second
edition of the QRDC.
- [QRDC5] The Cross of Iron 'AFV Kill Table 33.4'
add if missing "(63.9) gunshields -4 guns -5" after "ATR = anti-tank rifle"
This was added in the second
edition of the QRDC.
ACADEMY: For any suggested additions to cover remaining problem areas with the
rules that you have encountered, send an email