The round results provided an even 2-2 Axis record, demonstrating WG102 as a challenging scenario since its debut at the 2004 WBC SQL Series event. Round highlights saw #17 seed John Blazel (WI) upset the top seed, Pete Pollard (TN), with a final successful German charge to nullify Russian controlled position despite a Russain 2:1 advantage in the final CCPh. #2 Bill Thomson (TX) was able to survive #15 Chris Stewart (FL) and an initial collapse of his German positions using the reinforcements to eliminate 3 of the unsupported T34s in German Turn 3. The remaining T34 pivoted to eliminate the flanking STG before falling to the German 50L ATG frontal shot. The final turns saw infantry maneuver & firefights dominate with the final Russian push cut down by interlocking fields of fire and friendly die server. Many possibilities in the final turn could have moved the result to the other side; FT burning a VP hex, FT flameout, the 1:1 CC in the final German turn, or the creation of a berserker in key location. As Chris 'aka the giant killer' eliminated both the Pete and Bill, the top two seeds in the initial rounds of the COI event, he will remain a rising star and is participating in all six SQLA PBEM tournaments started in 2004. The other two matches posted wins for both sides as #4 David VanBronkhorst (VA) defeated #11 Stefan Eriksson (Sweden) and #7 Michael Pacheco (CA) dropped #5 Andrew Cummins (UK).