Status: The scenario is a represents an
American assault versus Germans defending their homeland in the last stages
of the way. The battle takes place on urban boards, (20 and 21). Victory conditions
result in a win if either side receives too many casualties. This is the first
playtest of this scenario.
OBJECTIVE: This is an attempt at a mid level
tournament scenario as opposed to elementary and integrated combined arms
extremes suitable for 2-3 hours of FTF play by slow paced players in a tournament
setting such as WBC. Priority is below tournament games.
Match 2.1: 1/6220 Pete Pollard 0-0 (A
+3x666) def 2/6082 Alan Yngve 1-0 (G)
Match 2.2: 3/5654 Andrew Cummins 0-1
(A) def 9/4734 Eric Filipkowski 0-1 (G); 7/10/05
Match 2.3: 5/5162 Chris Stewart 1-0
(A+6x666) def 7/5060 Robert Menzel 0-0 (G); 8/10/05
Match 2.4: 4/5215 Michael Pacheco 1-0
(A+4x666) def Andy Jackson 13/5000 0-0 (G); 7/10/05
Match 2.5: 6/5106 Stefan Eriksson 0-1
(A) vs def 8/5000 Bill Black 0-1 (G+2x467); 6/08/05; both sides playing
at max casualites
Match 2.6.: Chuck Young (TBD) vs Howard
Rosenberg (TBD); Game setup 060419
Match 2.6: Chuck Young (G) vs Bill Thomson
(A):; American win; 04/05/06; non ladder, non area.
Match 2.7: Bill Thomson (G) def Andy
Jackson (A); 6/20/05
BPA 2004 SQL PBEM Final: David VanBronkhorst
(A+1x666) def John Blazel (G); 1/17/06; Americans playing last two turns
with max casualites.
SCENARIO STATUS: Revision as of 060412 which
deleted the German casualty VP criteria and added one squad. As of 060410;
eight games have completed with the following results [bid in brackets]: A
[+6\]; A [+4]**; A [+3]; A[+1]*]; A[+0]; A [+0]; G[+0]; A [-2]. * indicates
A was working at maximum causalities during final turns, ** indicates both
sides were working at maximum causalities during final turns. Thanks to B.
Black, J. Blazel, A. Cummins, S. Eriksson, E. Filipkowski, A. Jackson, R.
Menzel, M. Pacheco, P. Pollard, C. Stewart, B. Thomson, D/ VanBronkhorst,
C. Young, A. Yngve, SQLA current opinion is this scenario is balanced as printed;
this view may change as additional games are played. The Scenairo record (reset
to 0-0) was requested on 060412.