updated 130120
Latest News
module is NOT compatable beyond Vassalengine version 3.1.20. DO
NOT LOAD VASSAL VERSION 3.2.x otherwise your VSQL module WILL
The old VSQL3.x series which ran with the inherent VASSAL 1.99
is now retired.
The PBEM Standard for SQLA play is the VASSAL
engine (currently v3.1.20
for Windows
/ MacOSx
/ Linux
/ Other
) with the VSQL
module version 4.1.97c loaded. Both of these can be found on the
vassalengine.org website under the module section for the Module: Squad Leader.
and the vassalengine 3.1.20 can be found in the previously released version section
inder the main menu heading "Downloads" on the Vassalengine.org website.
Boards in use were previously Version 4 from Toumoland. Version 5 Boards are
now the VSQL standard. Both sets of boards should yeild identical LOS with possible
exception of SK boards. Version 5 is recommened but not manadated for new players.
Opposing players may use different boards as a matter of player preference.
module version 4.1.97c recent updates:
- <120423>
- Fixed Russian vehicle counter KVIIA CA#4 with correct CA image file.
- <120402>
- Fixed several counters whose ID trait was not working properly.
- <120324>
- Russian Truck/Light, Truck/Heavy, ZISa, M5 (-/-/4), M5 (-/-/6) vehicles
can now modify their Vehicle ID's. The COI IFT chart image was corrected.
- <120321>
- Fixed missing Russian DC image, Radio counter no longer reports hex
location when its hidden/concealed, tweak "Remove All" buttons
- <120227>
- Minor correction to some counters. The Dice buttons were re-arranged
so the 'red' die now comes before the 'white' die, which on the 3 dice
button is followed by the 'black' die (which represents smoke) or those
times when a third die is needed. This may not matter to those who are
only playing the basic SL scenarios, but to those who are playing COD
and up the red die often determines things like the location of a hit
on an AFV, or maintaining the ROF for a particular sw (in GIA+). The file
has also been edited and some unneeded files removed in order to reduce
the size of the file.
- <111210>
- Minor correction to a counter menu ability
- <110801>
- Wind counter corrected to reflect proper drm's for Mild Breeze &
Heavy winds.
- Assault Move marker no longer appears when setting/resetting a units
'Moved' markings
- Some SL-COD SMC required updates to their graphics.
- All unit infantry counters can now be converted to Prisoner type according
to the type of unit it is, i.e. SMC, MMC, HS, or Crews. (This is important
in scenarios where VC depend on the number of Victory Points achieved,
where-in captured units are worth double their normal value, esp if their
exited off the board or must be eliminated by games end.)
- Prisoner MMC can now be 'Deployed/Reduced' to a HS. Prisoners can now
be ID'd as 'escaped'.
- The menu selections in each unit type have been realigned so as to be
the same regardless of nationality based on its abilities and/or characteristics
of its nationality.
- Fixed the Remove All Defensive Fire selection
- <110707>
- Minor changes in the "Remove Menu" selection. Hitting "Remove
all Defensive Fire markers" will also remove Track, Bypass, & Assault
Move markers.
- Fixed to handle cropping on very big maps (with 3 letters hexrows)
- Added board version in saved games + warning when board version mismatch
when loading.
- Enabled BoardVersionChecker back for V5, with new setting to main boards
- Fixed grid alignment issue with shifted boards.
- rollback of turret shifting (used to see turret while moving tank)
- NPE in CASL.Map.GameMap.LOS() - ID: 2217080
- Fixed underlays transformations.
- Removed a debugging trace
- Fixed transformations like 'Winter + AllWooden + AllPaved'.
- Fixed SSRFilter when several consecutive transformations are required
(grain->open ground, open ground->snow).
- board version displayed as a warning (grayed).
- Disabled version checker until main site is updated with v5 boards +
Added board version info in console
- Fixed turret position when loading a log file.
- Fixed LOS hindrance check on several counters (smokes, rubble, blaze).
- updated the "Remove All" button menu to include additional removals
of unneeded temporary game control markers during "housekeeping"
- Track markers are now removed whenever the Fired Marker types are selected
(i.e.: Prep, Defensive, Advancing Fire markers)
- Some very minor adjustments to some infantry counters were made.
For those seeking play above COI, use of Bill Sosnicki extensions are required.
See the 'How to use Extension" file in the SQUAD LEADER 'FILES' page on
the Vassal Site. Feel free to contact
me for assistance as use of extensions may be tricky for first time users.
Extension modules which are currently available and their latest version:
- Standard version: VSQL4-CodGIA
v8.29a or the Enhanced version: VSQL4-CodGia+
v8.38a Both expansions
are the same and are to be used separately, i.e. NOT together,
please use only one or the other, but not both at the same time.
The only difference between both files is that the enhanced version contains
an additional GIA tab (marked as GIA+) which contains counters that are designed
to be used when utilizing the O.A.R. Charter rules. IMPORTANT
NOTE: If using the Enhanced version, you will need to rename
the file so you must remove the "+" sign from the filename. In this
way, if your opponent is not using the enhanced version your games may still
be played using the standard counters. In the future, the enhanced version
will become a separate expansion module of its own, to be used in conjunction
with the standard version. Until then both files will be available. The most
recent updates (last 10) to both as of ( 130120
) includes:
- <130120>
- sv/ev: The COD Vehicle Movement Costs Chart was corrected to reflect
that movement for tracked AFV's across walls/hedges costs 1 MP+COT
not 2 MP+COT.
- <120711> (ev8.38 only)
- Rusian OB now contains the GIA+ units. These units, like all other
nationalities, now contain the ability to reduce/increase in quality
level (ELR), Deploy/Recombine into Half-Squads/Squads, and take Casualty
Reduction when required, all from the menu selection directly from
the counter itself.
- <120513> (ev8.37a only)
- The Radio under the GIA tab is now capable of changing the Radio
ID letter.
- <120321>
- Radio counters no longer report hex location when HIP or when "?".
- <120227> ev8.36(the sv8.29 has
not changed.)
- - ev Minor fixes, and some unneeded files were removed to help reduce
the size of the file. Some charts were added or re-organized.
- <111112> sv8.29 and ev8.32
- - sv & ev: Missing Hero counter added to Russian OB, with updates
to all other Hero nationalites.
- - sv: corrected British Ant. Lgt.Truck (CoD version) with proper
image for CA #4.
- - sv: Minor fix: The Glider counter will now stack properly within
the hex.
- - sv: Updated some GIA charts and tables.
- <111107> ev8.31
- - corrected British Ant. Lgt.Truck (CoD version) with proper image
for CA #4
- <111010> ev8.30
- - Minor fix: The Glider counter will now stack properly within the
- <111002> ev8.29
- - Updated some GIA charts and tables.
- - extended GIA counters can now be Quality increased or decreased
directly from the counter menu. (Note: These counters are under the
GIA+ tab as they follow the OAR).
- <110828> v8.28
- - American M-10 Wolverine Armor Factor is now correct (+1/-2).
- - British GIA MMC now reduce to proper HS types.
- - Allied Minor Armor Leaders can be selected after placement on
- <110801> v8.27
- - corrected British M5 Halftrack wreck side
- - British 237 crew now display correct broken side of 7
- - Units now can become Prisoners depending on thier size
- - fixed all counters so they do not place Assault Move counter after
selecting the 'Moved' menu selection.(SMC/MMC/HS/Crew) and reflect
as 'Escaped' prisoners.
- <110709> v8.26
- - Fixed were some errors in the French Armor COD Vehicle OB. Fixed
were R35, D1, D1A, and D2 vehicles. R35 & D2 were missing their
names on theVehicles. In the case of the D1A & D1, these two vehicles
were mis-identified. They each had the others name on the vehicles
and were switched back around.
- <110704>
- - Minor fix: The American [GIA] 44a Bazooka flip side (TH Chart
side) was corrected so it remains the same size as its front side
- <110628>
- - Minor fix: The 'wounded' menu selection which was missing was
inserted for some nationalities Hero [GIA] counters.
- <110625>
- - Minor fix:: Reassigned many counter menu choices key-combinations
so no two are alike.
- <110130>
- - Minor fix:: "Assault Move" marker in menu for GIA units
now uses a different key-combination.
- <101122>
- - Under GIA the Russian 82mm, Allied Minor 81mm, British 76mm, and
USA 81mm Mortars can all now be Dismantled for 5 IPC.
- <101120>
- - Changes to Polish TKS & TKSz counters. Both reflected the
1-Man Turret symbol (broken dashed circle), however, neither vehicle
actually have a 'turret' but rather all MA are Bow mounted. The symbol
was misleading and therefore removed from the counter but the 1-Man
turret restrictions still apply to both vehicles. A new feature has
been added to the Polish TKS tankette in that its Bow MG can be repositioned
into an Anti-Aircraft mode. The counter now provides this changeability.
The vehicle must be CE to fire the AAmg. Updated the GIA Optional
Infantry Fire Table (IIFT) to include added notes. The DYO (adding
commissars) has been moved to its own extension module below in order
to make the CodGia module smaller in size and make it strictly COD
& GIA. Fixed Hero counters in GIA (French, Allied Minor) so they
flip over to their wounded side.
v1.5 German SS counters in all Black. Includes all Ordnance, Vehicles,
and SW's.
v1.1 Design Your Own (DYO) now includes Commissars, Heat of Battle
rules from ASL which are redesigned to conform to SL-GIA rules.
v2.0 (Player scenario designs) "Hollow Legions"
Gamette A guide for COI-COD & GIA play
of scenarios based within the North African/Mediterrainian Theatre Operations
(DTO). Includes the Italian OB.
v3.1 (Player scenario designs) "Blood & Sand"
Gamette (v100920) A guide for COI-COD &
GIA play of scenarios based within the Pacific Theatre Operations (PTO). Includes
the OB for Japanese, USMC, and Chinese (Nationalists & Communists).
The extension PLC.mdx extension is now obsolete as PLCs can be created by
namimg any Leader directly within VSQL 4.
- VSQL, Virtual SQuad Leader,
is the SQUAD LEADER module for the VASSAL
game engine and is the standard interface for all Squad Leader
Series remote play. VSQL enables both real time internet
play and stepped review turns for PBEM play. Programmed in Sun Java, all files
are computer platform independent.
Game File Capability:
- Saved games and start files from VSQL 3.1 are NOT
compatible with VSQL 4 as the counter traits have been changed. To create
a VSQL 4 version and to be sure it will absolutely work properly, it is suggested
you create a new Scenario Start File (SSF) all over again.
Player Guides:
- For VASSAL veterans, use of VASSAL is now self evident. The following startup
guide may prove useful for new players.
Current Issues:
- TBD.
Other Key VSQL Assets
- Current boards in use for standardized VSQL 4.x play are Version
5. Beware, this file is 16 MB. Unzip the folder only- DO NOT UNZIP the
individual board files as VSQL uses them in the zipped format. Note VASL refers
to Virtual Advanced Squad Leader; this is a shared archive. The VASL board
archive, which VSQL also uses is managed by Tom Repetti on his Tuomoland site.
The site is http://home.comcast.net/~tomrepetti.
Detailed explanation about version 5 boards is found here
in a PDF file by Tom Repetti. Current SK style boards by
the VASL Map Bazaar are found here,
but please note that these SK boards have a completely different LOS function
and will not report the same as the v5 non-SK board, so please make sure you
and your opponent agree as to which style your using for your game.
- Archived Version 4 boards are found here; these
were used in VSQL 3.x. . Unzip the folder only- DO NOT UNZIP the individual
board files as VSQL uses them in the zipped format. File size=15.7MB. Note
VASL refers to Virtual Advanced Squad Leader; this is a shared archive.
- VSQL 4.x Scenario setup file archive is under construction
and population. Due to differences in configuration, the VSQL3 start files
are of limited use the the current counter configuration is not in place.
At worse, delete all the counters and pull new ones.
- Scenario Start Files for VSQL 4.x
These standardized files display all units, victory hex locations, startup
areas, NORTH indicator with the full scenario card is posted in the INFO control
window tab. Contributions for additional scenarios are welcome if all the
content is included. Individual setup files are posted on Squad
Leader Academy. Independent Scenario Start Files (or more commonly referred
toas SSFs) can also can be found in the scenario section on this site..
- Scenario Start Files for VSQL 3.x
These standardized files display all units, victory hex locations, startup
areas, NORTH indicator will the full scenario card posted in the INFO control
window tab. Contributions for additional scenarios are welcome if all the
content is included. Individual Send setup files are posted on Squad
Leader Academy. Independent setup files also can be found on Advancephase.com
(This site is now inactive).
- VSQL Group Email and archive is managed by Bill
Sosnicki; http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/VSQL-Group/
- Frequently Asked Questions; last updated 030826,
version 2.5.1.
- VSQL credits.
- VSQL Developmental history. This
was a length effort involving many individuals. The end product is the benchmark
for all VASSAL modules and will influence future version of VASL as well.
VSQL SQLA Archive (all of the below files exist in the SQLA archive
but they have been removed from the website to optimize working server space.
- VSQL 2.5.1
- VSQL 2.5.2
- VSQL 2.5.3
- VSQL 2.5.4
- VSQL 2.5.5; Oops, do not use, movement logging was accidentally disabled.,
use 2.5.6.
- VSQL 2.5.6>
- VSQL 2.5.7 ; Oops, do not use, many counters from earlier version do not
appear; games started with 257 must use this version.
- VSQL 2.5.8
- VSQL 3.01 Standalone; includes the VASSAL 1.9.9 dedicated engine. (File
size: 8.05 Mb)
- VSQL 3.1; Download the VSQL 3.01 standalone. then download this file, rename
as vsql.mod and replace the file of the same name in the standalone package.
- VSQL 3.2; reorganization of Info markers
- VSQL330d-Stand-Alone-Package.zip">VSQL 3.3 and extensions.
Final version of VSQL3.
- VSQL 4.1 and related extensions are on the Squad Leader Vassal Site/Files
Contact me if any VSQL training or information is needed; Bill
Thomson; 817-501-2978